For fast-growing companies

Discover best-value engineers with AI

Noxx automates the screening of applicants, shortlisting the best candidates according to your criteria.

Used by fast-growing startups.

Used by fast-growing startups.

Say no to gut-hiring. Leverage Data instead.

Go from 'need to hire' to hired in a matter of days, not weeks.

AI Criteria Engine

Build Your Screening Criteria

Build the screening criteria that best suits the role you’re looking for.

AI Signal Finder

Uncover Best-Value Candidates

Say no to gut-hiring. Our AI helps you find the best-value candidates.

AI Salary Benchmark

Leverage Data To Save Money

Access salaries across geographies. Be competitive while saving money.

AI Shortlister

Shortlist Candidates in Minutes

Save time reviewing candidates manually. We rank candidates for you.

AI Criteria Engine

Build Your Screening Criteria

Build the screening criteria that best suits the role you’re looking for.

AI Signal Finder

Uncover Best-Value Candidates

Say no to gut-hiring. Our AI helps you find the best-value candidates.

AI Salary Benchmark

Leverage Data To Save Money

Access salaries across geographies. Be competitive while saving money.

AI Shortlister

Shortlist Candidates in Minutes

Save time reviewing candidates manually. We rank candidates for you.

AI Criteria Engine

Build Your Screening Criteria

Build the screening criteria that best suits the role you’re looking for.

AI Signal Finder

Uncover Best-Value Candidates

Say no to gut-hiring. Our AI helps you find the best-value candidates.

AI Salary Benchmark

Leverage Data To Save Money

Access salaries across geographies. Be competitive while saving money.

AI Shortlister

Shortlist Candidates in Minutes

Save time reviewing candidates manually. We rank candidates for you.

Shorten your time-to-hire

Say goodbye to weeks of waiting for the right new hire. Hire in minutes.

Say goodbye to weeks of waiting for the right new hire. Hire in minutes.

Scale your team globally

Uncover hidden engineers across the globe. Leverage data, not gut feeling.

Uncover hidden engineers across the globe. Leverage data, not gut feeling.

Screen among applicants

Screen the best candidates according to your criteria, budget, skillset, and more.

Screen the best candidates according to your criteria, budget, skillset, and more.

These Customers have supercharged their hiring already.

  • Noxx helped us find engineering talent that we wouldn’t otherwise. Their screening engine is the best out there.

    Yo Shibata

    CEO @ Tailor - YC Company

  • Noxx’s ability to uncover hidden engineers with AI is great. It shortens the time-to-hire and saves us money.


    CEO @ DeForm

  • Noxx helped us find engineering talent that we wouldn’t otherwise. Their screening engine is the best out there.

    Yo Shibata

    CEO @ Tailor - YC Company

  • Noxx’s ability to uncover hidden engineers with AI is great. It shortens the time-to-hire and saves us money.


    CEO @ DeForm

  • Without Noxx to screen and find uncover engineers, it would have taken weeks to find the right candidate.


    CEO @ DeStore

  • Without Noxx to screen and find uncover engineers, it would have taken weeks to find the right candidate.


    CEO @ DeStore

Noxx helped us find engineering talent that we wouldn’t otherwise. Their screening engine is the best out there.

Yo Shibata

CEO @ Tailor - YC Company

Noxx’s ability to uncover hidden engineers with AI is great. It shortens the time-to-hire and saves us money.


CEO @ DeForm

Without Noxx to screen and find uncover engineers, it would have taken weeks to find the right candidate.


CEO @ DeStore

Uncover hidden engineers with AI today

Uncover hidden engineering talent. Accelerate application review.

Uncover hidden engineering talent. Accelerate application review.


For small teams looking to hire fast


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Up to 100 Applicants

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5 Job Board Publications

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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Noxx?
How does Noxx work?
Is my data safe with Noxx?
What features does Noxx offer?
Can Noxx integrate with my ATS?
What is Noxx?
How does Noxx work?
Is my data safe with Noxx?
What features does Noxx offer?
Can Noxx integrate with my ATS?
What is Noxx?
How does Noxx work?
Is my data safe with Noxx?
What features does Noxx offer?
Can Noxx integrate with my ATS?

Uncover Hidden Engineers with Noxx

Noxx automates the screening of applicants, shortlisting the best candidates according to your criteria.

Uncover Hidden Engineers with Noxx

Noxx automates the screening of applicants, shortlisting the best candidates according to your criteria.

Uncover Hidden Engineers with Noxx

Noxx automates the screening of applicants, shortlisting the best candidates according to your criteria.

Noxx. All rights reserved. © 2024

Noxx. All rights reserved. © 2024

Noxx. All rights reserved. © 2024